Travis Scott’s Birthday

We have the great privilege to be photographing incredible events and parties created by some of the world’s best event planners and their clients.  This one – Travis Scott’s birthday created by Mindy Weiss – was on a different planet altogether.  The two photos below only show a portion of the event of what was an epic night.

"Cactus28" gas station built entirely within a sound stage at Universal Studios

A custom built gas station “Cactus28” complete with Cactus28’s own branded laundry detergents, bleach, cereal, juices, snack packs, motor oil, and my personal favorite, Tabasco sauce.  Notice Nike Air Jordan logo at the convenience store’s door — hinting at what was to come for the guests exiting the gas station as they move into another world.

Nike themed birthday event for Travis

Air-plane sized Nike shoe and shoe boxes with Travis Scott’s Air Jordan 1.  Inside the Nike shoe box was a photobooth – how cool is that?  Lots of great seating areas for guests and of course, multiple bars.  This event was designed entirely ground up from a sound-stage at Universal Studios.

Images above photographed using a Canon 5D series + Canon 17-40mm f/4 zoom lens set on a tripod.  For decor shots, settings vary between f/5.6 to – f/22 @ ISO 200 in Aperture Priority mode. Multiple-exposure brackets done when time is available to allow for HDR (High-dynamic-range) since majority of the events and weddings have extremely dark and bright areas that will not be captured well by a single exposure.

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