"Top Wedding Photographer in the World"
~ Harper's Bazaar

"Top Wedding Photographer in the World"
~ Harper's Bazaar

"Top Wedding Photographer in the World"
~ Harper's Bazaar

"Top Wedding Photographer in the World"
~ Harper's Bazaar

"Top Wedding Photographer in the World"
~ Harper's Bazaar

"Top Wedding Photographer in the World"
~ Harper's Bazaar

"Top Wedding Photographer in the World"
~ Harper's Bazaar

"Top Wedding Photographer in the World"
~ Harper's Bazaar

"Top Wedding Photographer in the World"
~ Harper's Bazaar

“To document your event, hire John & Joseph Photography.”



Sunstone Winery, Solvang

Rosewood Miramar, Montecito

The Beverly Hills Hotel

Rancho San Cristóbal, Cabo San Lucas

“Taking the creative eye to a whole new level, John and Joseph set trends in wedding photography."

~ Junebug Weddings
Michael Bay, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Steven Spielberg